Monday, 27 May 2013

Totternhoe Knolls and Quarry 27.5.13

 Duke of Burgundy

 Totternhoe Knolls and Quarry

Hoverfly in flight


Another beautiful sunny day, a little windy but still hot. So I took the chance to see the Duke of Burgundy, one of our rarest butterflies, and was rewarded for the long journey - hurrah! A lovely little butterfly, the males are very territorial, chasing off anything that comes near, many times a Brimstone was seen off. They are quite happy to sit on their perch until disturbed, so getting close and some good photos wasn't too difficult. 

I also saw while I was there - Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Orange-tip, Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Large and Small White, either Holly or Common Blue (saw two - quite early for Common but couldn't be sure). Plants - lots of Cowslips - important for the DoBs, Bird's Foot Trefoil, Common Twayblade, Clustered Bellflower (fed on by a Dingy Skipper). 

Over at the cliff edge I only saw two Small Blues, it was quite windy and wasn't set to change, so gave up. Also saw two Peacock there.

Very pleased to finally meet his grace :-)

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Barnack Hills and Holes 26.5.2013

Green Hairstreak 

Burnet Companion

Green Carpet 

Common Heath

Dingy Skipper

Pasque Flower


Fantastic sunny day today, and Barnack Hills and Holes had lots to see. There were lots and lots of Green Hairstreak which were my main intention for coming. I also saw Orange-tip (m&f), Dingy Skipper, Brimstone (m&f), Small Whites, Large Whites, and my first Small Heath and Small Coppers of the year. Didn't see any Brown Argus, had one unsure sighting so may too early.

I also encountered some lovely day flying moths - Common Heath, Green Carpet and Burnet Companion. 

Many Pasque Flowers were still fresh, and some of the Early-purple Orchids weren't too bad either. Didn't see any Man Orchid, though due to the slow start may be too early. 

Friday, 24 May 2013

Woodwalton Marsh, Ravely Wood, Upwood Meadows Evening 21.5.13


A nice end to the day, which had been quite chilly, with the sun coming out for brief periods about 5pm. 
Saw an interesting Hoverfly, either Syrphus torvus or ribesi. Also had a brief visit from a Brimstone. After searching out Grizzled Skippers, I was all set to leave when my foot moved some grass and I saw one, they are so well camouflaged. 

Woodwalton Marsh, north end looking south. 

Then on to Ravely Wood, to see some roosting Green-veined whites and Orange-tips. The Early-purple Orchids had another good year, but they were past their best. 

Then on to Upwood Meadows, to see the Green-winged Orchids, which were of lesser number this year compared to last, but some had a lovely dark purple colour, and I saw one pink one too.