Duke of Burgundy
Totternhoe Knolls and Quarry
Hoverfly in flight
Another beautiful sunny day, a little windy but still hot. So I took the chance to see the Duke of Burgundy, one of our rarest butterflies, and was rewarded for the long journey - hurrah! A lovely little butterfly, the males are very territorial, chasing off anything that comes near, many times a Brimstone was seen off. They are quite happy to sit on their perch until disturbed, so getting close and some good photos wasn't too difficult.
I also saw while I was there - Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Orange-tip, Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Large and Small White, either Holly or Common Blue (saw two - quite early for Common but couldn't be sure). Plants - lots of Cowslips - important for the DoBs, Bird's Foot Trefoil, Common Twayblade, Clustered Bellflower (fed on by a Dingy Skipper).
Over at the cliff edge I only saw two Small Blues, it was quite windy and wasn't set to change, so gave up. Also saw two Peacock there.
Very pleased to finally meet his grace :-)